
Below are links to other online resources related to end-of-life care and advance care planning. This page will be updated and new resources added as they are identified and become available.

Advance Directive and Surrogacy Forms

Advance Directives and Surrogacy Laws by State (all states)

The website below provides PDF documents for each state’s advance directive and surrogacy laws. Depending on your browser, clicking your state’s link will either (1) open the document in a new browser window on your screen, or (2) download the document to the downloads folder on your computer for you to open there.

Illinois Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney for Health Care

Depending on your browser, clicking the link below will either (1) open the document in a new browser window on your screen, or (2) download the document to the downloads folder on your computer for you to open there.


General Information About Dementia

 Alzheimer’s Association

The Alzheimer’s Association website provides resources for individuals affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia, research and treatment news, information for professionals, and more.